Ask for Angela & Welfare Champions

Initiatives & newsAsk for Angela & Welfare Champions

Keeping Guildford safe

Over the past few years the Guildford Business Crime Reduction Partnership has been working in close partnership with many organisations to create innovative campaigns to help prevent vulnerability, exploitation, sexual assaults and even domestic violence within our evening and late-night economy. These campaigns have primarily been focused on providing members of staff with adequate training opportunities to help them spot vulnerable individuals.

Guildford High Street

Welfare and Vulnerability training

The vulnerability training sessions aims to provide members with a toolkit of considerations when dealing with vulnerable individuals in the night time economy to ensure their safety. The training has been running annually for the past three years with from our partners at Prima Cura Training and is fully endorsed by The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.

Ask for Angela

The 'Ask for Angela' campaign seeks to highlight to members of the public and customers that staff, from bar staff to security personnel, in the city take their safety seriously. The campaign, which involves posters going up in venue toilets, has been rolled out up and down the country after being developed in Linconshire by Hayley Child. They provide reassurance that support and help is available. Venues who participate in the scheme are given guidance notes on how to assist individuals

If you wish to enquire about any upcoming vulnerability training sessions,
or you wish to have the 'Ask for Angela' posters for your venue, please contact
us through the Website

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