Guildford Business Crime Reduction Partnership was proud to be nominated for a commendation for Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour
The award was presented by Chief Constable Tim DeMeyer for the great efforts that have come in from partnership working with Surrey Police, Guildford Borough Council, Guildford Pubwatch and Experience Guildford.
Chief Constable Tim DeMeyer quoted,
"The team at Guildford Business Crime Reduction Partnership work in partnership with Surrey Police and Guildford Borough Council to help keep Guildford a safe welcoming town.
They are responsible for a number of initiatives to tackle anti social behaviour issues, working alongside local businesses, Surrey Police and the local authorities.
The implementation of DISC, an online reporting tool used by local businesses to highlight and share lower level crime and prolific offender updates. This system can alert over 200 businesses within 5 minutes of key news coming in, regarding counterfeit currency, bulk theft and known offenders.
This hub of information helps to build cases to invoke Criminal Behaviour Order or Civil Injunctions, by pushing report data directly to Surrey Police.
Guildford BCRP also operate Blitz days to detect, deter and detain individuals in the process of causing ASB or shoplifting.
Town rangers are an extremely friendly and approachable team working daily to address anti social behaviour issues.
They are the eyes and ears of the town centre and liaise between businesses, local authorities and the Police.
Town link radios are issued to maintain the communication and information sharing.
Additionally Taxi Marshals and Night Bus Security are a calming presence to reduce violent crime and their introduction since 2014 has reduced related crime by 80%.
Guildford BCRP and Experience Guildford administers the ‘Best Bar None’ scheme to assess hospitality venues, their standards and best working practices. This is a nationally acclaimed scheme that contributes to the reduction of crimes in venues and surrounding areas.
They have revitalised the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign to incorporate domestic violence and provide training across Guildford venues. Establishing Welfare Champions who use their skills to identify those vulnerability and exploitation to create an intervention and signpost accordingly.
And let’s not forget BOBB, the Behave or Be Banned scheme, run through the well established Pubwatch scheme, which bans individuals from all members venues, providing a decisive approach to what is, or rather what is not, acceptable behaviour within the towns licensed premises.
The Team, has introduced a Business Crime Reduction Partnership into the town, which contributes to the reduction in offending and the increase in crime and intelligence reporting. All of these innovative and valuable schemes and initiatives contribute to the reduction in crime and enable the communities of Guildford to enjoy the benefits, freedom and enjoyment of living in a vibrant town.
Please can I ask the BCRP Team to come up and collect your award".