Winners 2024
- Best Restaurant Independent – Positano & Tattam's
- Best Restaurant National – The March Hare
- Food on the Go - Tortilla
- Best Pub Independent – Royal Oak
- Best Pub National – The Stoke
- Best Entertainment Small - The Holroyd
- Best Entertainment Venue – G Live
- Best Bar Independent – Guildford Jubilee Social Club
- Best Bar National– The Rodboro Buildings
- Best Late Night Small – The Alley Bar
- Best Late Night Large - Popworld
- Outstanding Contribution to the Evening and Late Night Economy – Emma White, Experience Guildford
- Most Improved Venue – Tortilla
- Overall Winner – Royal Oak
Guildford’s Best Bar None Awards were hosted at the Stoke Pub on Wednesday 9 October 2024, with 39 of the town’s operators gaining recognition from the nationally acclaimed scheme that focuses on best practice within the night-time economy.
The 11thGuildford Best Bar None scheme(BBN), delivered by Experience Guildford, celebrates amongst the licensed trade, showcasing the hard work and commitment of Guildford’s Pubs, Bars &Restaurants to create and run safe, responsible and inviting town centre night-time businesses.
39 venues signed up for assessment and accreditation from the scheme this year, the highest number of businesses to date. BBN endorsement aims to help the public make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a pub, club or bar, giving them confidence that a venue has been assessed and meets a standard much higher than the minimum required for the trade.
The Royal Oak won the overall award and also Best Pub (Independent) and will represent the town in the national Annual Best BarNone Awards held at the House of Lords.
Joanna Grimshaw, Head of Anti-Social Behaviour at Surrey Police says;
“These awards are so important to embed, encourage and to share good practice but more importantly recognise and celebrate the difference partnership working can make to our communities.
Surrey Police are committed to keeping not just Guildford but Surrey a safe place to live, work and visit and but we also understand the importance of the role of all those present tonight that help us do that.”
Russell Scobbie, Licensee at Overall Winner The Royal Oak says;
“This is completely unexpected but really pleasing to know that through good working practice we have gained this award. Best Bar None helps independent venues to raise their own standards and we are extremely proud to be recognised as overall winners of the scheme”.
A special Outstanding Contribution to the Evening and Late Night Economy Award was presented to Emma White from Experience Guildford for her continued work to bring in safety initiatives into the town such as Ask for Angela, Safe Places Scheme and Domestic Abuse Signposting.
Pete Lambert, Town Safety and Venue Liaison Manager, Experience Guildford adds:
“The standard keeps getting better year on year. It’s a huge delight to see The Royal Oak achieve best overall scheme, and to see Tortilla be recognised for their ongoing commitment to the scheme by winning the ‘Most Improved’ category.
Experience Guildford thanks all of the town’s operators and the partners that work collaboratively with us on the scheme, including Guildford Borough Council, Guildford Pubwatch, Surrey Police and Surrey Fire & Rescue, along with community charity groups such as Street Angels. Huge thanks also to The Stoke for hosting the event and Hogs Back Brewery for sponsoring welcome drinks on the evening.”
For more information on Guildford’s Best Bar None Awards and other initiatives to enhance and promote Guildford’s nighttime economy, visit