Safer Action Business Month

Initiatives & newsSafer Action Business Month

The NBCC has received a fantastic response from police forces across the country, with over 250 individual SaBA Days planned to take place in March as part io the national month of action to tackle retail and business crime in local communities.  

The annual crime report from the British Retail Consortium released this month, reported a significant increase in incidents of violence and abuse which now number over 1300 a day. It also reported nearly £2 billion is lost to customer theft, which is almost double last year and the first time it has gone over £1 billion.

There is also a growing lack of confidence in from retailers in the police response to reports of retail crime.  The SaBA month in March will see police work with retailers and private security in a defined area for a day of targeted activity, which will include joint high visibility patrols, proactive activity against known offenders and crime prevention campaigns.

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